Adámas Nanotechnologies

Nanodiamond tools for quantum sensing technologies and beyond…

Quantum Diamond
for Sensing

  • NV nanodiamonds

  • NV Diamond Plates

  • Instrumentation

Featured Applications:

Temperature, Magnetic Field, Oxidative Stress

Fluorescent Nanodiamond for Imaging

  • Red and green fluorescence

  • Non-toxic

Featured Applications:

Non-bleaching labels for Fluorescent Microscopy, reporters in lateral flow assays

Industrial Applications with Detonation Nanodiamond

  • 5 nm and larger particles

  • Powders and slurries

Featured Applications:

Seeding for CVD diamond growth, additives for wear-resistance and durability, nanolubricants

Adamas' presentations/publications

Adamas at Photonics West

Dr. Olga Shenderova will be presenting on our mission to enable diamond-based quantum sensing experiments at SPIE Photonics West (Jan 25-30, 2025, San Francisco, USA).


Olga Shenderova and Marco Torelli will participate in UK-US Perspectives and Partnerships in Quantum Sensors for Life Sciences In-person Workshop, September 9, 2024, Washington DC.


Getting Connected…

Virtual Lecture Series

Dr. Fernando Meneses, Centre for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology, School of Physics, University of Melbourne

“Quantum Diamond Magnetometry and Machine Learning Applied to  Real-Time Object Monitoring”

September 26th 4:30 pm EDT  (20:30 UTC)

Adamas Materials in Use

Researchers from University of Berkeley developed a technique to embed nanodiamonds containing NV centers into microscale 3D printed structures and measure the temperature and magnetic field inside of these structures based on optically detected magnetic resonance of NV centers.